Friday, October 21, 2016


Food Club: this club would be a re-installment of cooking class, combined with an opportunity to experiment and taste unusual food. In order to establish this club, we would need to contact the head of the school, in order to discuss the potential dangers of having ovens in the school, as well as designating a room for the club, set with all of the supplies needed. We would also need to find a teacher with an extensive background in cooking, who would be willing to supervise the club in its endeavors. Once we have the Club established, we would need to promote it by hanging up flyers, putting ads on the portal, and make a web page for it.

Wood Shop: Wood shop class was very popular back in the good old days, but due to an increase of ridiculous safety standards and overly concerned parents, this class has been taken away from Americans. As a result,  we now have millennials who don't know how to do anything. Our goal with Wood Shop is to reverse this effect and get student doing hands on work once again. We will accomplish this task by arranging a meeting with the principle in order to negotiate the creation of this new class. Once we do that, we will need to channel a small portion of school funds to buy electrical saws, sanders, etc. as well as wood and safety materials. We will then need to find a teacher to supervise, and promote the class through morning announcements, the portal, and flyers.

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